A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With a Single Breath

I know the title above is a gratuitous bastardization of the insightful Lao Tzu quote. Nonetheless, before any great trip there always is a moment of intake,the calm before the storm, the tranquil that precedes the tempest, the kettle before the teapot,  and all that jazz.

Yet I digress.  My first breath, the inspiration to start this blog comes from a desire to get back into form.  I have allowed myself to step away from a discipline that had once consumed me.  My sidetrack took me to world of fabulous experiences and wonderful learnings and I have’t entirely divorced myself from it but I felt I needed to return to some  rigor and structure since I have always accomplished more under that pretense.

My plan?  To earn my DTM.  For you non-Toastmasters, who have foolishly, or serendipitously, or otherwise stumbled upon this niche in cyber-reality, A DTM is a designation.  The designation is a credential that can be achieved through Toastmasters International, the largest communication and leadership organization in the world.  The designation abbreviation DTM stands for  Distinguished Toastmaster.  I know the title is not entirely intuitive.  In the shortest sense it is a big deal in the Toastmaster world, one of it’s highest honors and a great deal of work.  I am hoping this project will give me the structure I need to continue my goal of being a better communicator, a better leader, and a better man.  

Obviously there is more to be filled in here, and I certainly shall, but for now that’s the core of this blog.  Therefore, thanks for reading and sharing with me my first breath.  I would also like to ask for your support.  This will not be an easy journey for me.  Rededicating myself to this path is not done lightly.  If you see me stalling, feel free to get in my face and tell me so.  I don’t think we have enough of those type of people in all of our lives.  

So there it is, the first breath.  My goal to get back on DTM horse.  My next post will hopefully set out my first steps and perhaps flesh out the why I have chosen this pursuit.

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2 Responses to A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With a Single Breath

  1. Mike says:

    Congratulations for taking this on, Greg! So many Toastmasters stall out on the approach to DTM but never make it… Fred took something like 25 years when all was said and done. I think you have the drive and energy to take this on. Rooting for you!

  2. Jenna says:

    Thank you for once again reminding me why I think you are a such a great person, and why I admire you. And believe me, I’ll be following along as will Connor and Emily. Don’t worry…i’m good at giving kicks in the pants. Good luck my friend.

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